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Fundamental Rights and Equality Contemporary Debates

Prin Frame and Diritti Comparati International Conference Sapienza University of Rome, February…

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Two Steps Forward, One Step Back? Equality and Disability Rights in the Von der Leyen II Commission

A new mandate, a new year and new challenges offer new opportunities – or set-backs. After…

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Diritti Comparati Vlog:
Daniele Gallo – Direct Effect in EU Law

Daniele Gallo, Direct Effect in EU Law, Oxford University Press, 2025.

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Rivista di Diritti Comparati


Alcune riflessioni sul contenzioso climatico a partire dal Giudizio Universale e dal caso KlimaSeniorinnen. Quale dimensione assume il principio di separazione dei poteri?

In February 2024, the Court of Rome dismissed the first Italian climate change litigation, the…

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Uso della storia e interpretazione costituzionale. Appunti per una tematizzazione del rapporto
Attraverso le crisi del costituzionalismo

The paper explores the interplay between the use of history, constitutional crises, and the…

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Constitutional Asymmetries and Mixed Legal Systems: New Itineraries of Legal Comparison

The paper aims to analyze the constitutional asymmetries that arise from mixed legal systems. After…

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The Venice Commission 1990-2025 Taking stock of 35 years for democracy through law

Call for papers for the international conference
Milan, Bocconi University, 15-16 May 2025

Rivista “Giurisprudenza costituzionale”: Call for papers

A quarant’anni della sentenza La Pergola , n. 170 del 1984.
Paradigma sempre valido, o simbolo di un assetto ormai superato dei rapporti tra ordinamento
interno e dell’Unione?
deadline: 12 febbraio 2025